Readmemyright’s wall

This is my english and software focused updates page. Here you can find updates about my website, and thoughts and opinions that don’t deserve a whole webpage.

The feed for the whole website can be found here.

If you’d like to follow updates, you can use either rss or twtxt from which this page and the atom feed are generated.

Why don’t you use twitter or mastodon like a normal person?

First off, I’m not normal. Second, people on twitter aren’t normal, and ditto for mastodon.

2025-02-26 180956

Instead of writing content for this website I switched to another markup format called djot. It’s made by the same guy that made pandoc and I must say he did a great job improving the syntax.

Only missing things right now are way to supply metadata.

2025-02-22 180554

RIP MacBook

2025-02-13 094259

I’ve been working on something useful (very underhanded way to say I don’t care about this website) and I’m complaining about it:

2025-01-10 113400

I just got a raspberry pi and I’m very excited about it!

2024-10-19 095142

It’s been a while, and I have to switch to a computer. It’s time to have a cry.

2024-09-16 164248

Circles and ellypses made my angry or something.

2024-08-20 131920

The reason why flexibly handling numbers like with sh and awk doesn’t work in perl and javascript is because of the way those languages are used, how they are invoked, how they get data, and many other factors. It’s worthless talking about whether dynamic or weak typing is good or bad unless we’re also looking at who uses the programming language and how.

2024-08-13 172737

I just wrote an article discussing what software I avoid and why:

2024-07-30 185731

I just wrote a page about my experiences writing ndb.lua, focusing on interactive programming in particular. You can read it here:

2024-07-29 003349

I have just started working on a little lua module for parsing simple key=value files using lpeg. It’s been a blast working on it, it goes very fast and hopefully it will continue at the same pace. I’ll certainly write more about it later, and about the interactive stile of development in general. You can find the source code here:, and about lpeg here:

2024-07-20 192919

Hello, world!